Monday, September 14, 2009

aardvark holes are dangerous. and feral cats are hard to trap

Day 10 (9/14)
So I’ve messed up the day count. But now I fixed it, just in case anyone was confused. Any by the way, I’m not really editing these, so I’m sorry for past and future mistakes. This morning we had class for about 4 hours with Kiringe. 2 of which was spent right outside the camp fence looking at the different ways to indirectly observe animals through tracks, poop and looking for clues in behavior (like elephants uprooting a tree).

Anyway we happened upon an aardvark hole and Kiringe was trying to show us how they dig and how they need extremely strong back-end muscles and large claws. And then…he fell in the hole. HA, its about a foot and a half wide, 45 degree angle sloping down and the dirt around the top of the hole gave way where he was standing, he fell in up to about his waist too. It was fantastic. And he loves to say “hellooooo” for when he wants us to listen, when he wants an answer, and when he wants to know if we understand.
While Okello loves his “M’s and M’s”, KFC(“but don’t tell him it’s not chicken, it will upset his love handles (also known as his Buddha belly…he doesn’t differentiate), strawberry wine coolers, and Idaho. We learned some more Swahili. That will come later…

Currently we are assembling a cat trap for the cat that pees in our chumba. However, it’s a drawstring-burlap bag connected to pulley and they are waiting for the cat to go onto the bag (after some food), they plan to pull the bag shut with a synching mechanism and then put it in a container (spare-trash can) and drive it far away. I’m not a believer. Have you ever tried to catch a feral cat before? I have. It’s the least fun thing…ever. I will keep you updated on the status of the cat-catching.

Tomorrow is a non-program day, which is a day off that we get every 6 days and as a group we decide what we want to do for the day. Tomorrow will be exciting. I can’t wait to fill everyone in on the details.


  1. I love this peeing cat thing, you crack me up kiddo. I actually am just about to start my application process for S. Africa. We meet with the study abroad office next week. I'm excited! and thanks for asking. Love you! Keep bloggin yo shit!

  2. You should say hi to Tom for me (at the Study abroad office) Good luck with everything. Hope classes are going well! Say hi to everyone for me!
