Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My last update until the 20th of December...

Day 98 (12/8)
So tonight is our last night at KBC, this experience has been priceless and I will miss this place a lot. I wanted to thank everyone for reading and keeping up with my blog. I know they were lengthy at times, I appreciate all of your support throughout the 3 months.

I am looking forward to being home and seeing friends and family, while at the same time this is the last time we will all be together, and these people are truly the only people who know what went on this semester. And I cannot say enough about the staff who will be missed incredibly

For RAP tonight, we had awards and everyone (including staff) got an award, and it was a great way wrap up the semester and have a good laugh with the staff.

We are leaving for NPS, our Nairobi site, for the day/night and we are dropped off at the airport at 8am. And after that, our adventure to the coast begins.

I hope to see you all when I return on the 19th, and I will be back in Rhode Island on the 20th.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 97 (12/7)
We have officially been here for 3 months. And we are about to leave. :(

Today we had our community presentations and they went really really well. People started to arrive around 9am, and by 10:30 we started. Literally 80+ people came out from all over the Amboseli-Tsavo region to hear what we had to say which was really cool. The chumba was completely full and the cooks made an incredible amount of food

We gave our presentation, and everything went really smoothly, Daniel translated for us, I presented the recommendation section (which has the potential to seem rude because we have been here for only 3 months, while they live here but everyone was really receptive to us)

The presentations lasted for almost 5 hours, and around 3 we had lunch for around 120 people, and I helped Arthur with chapatti making for a little while before lunch. And then for a few hours after lunch a group of us were in the kitchen helping. I cooked chapattis, and had 4 pans going, which is always a good time. And I fried 120 chapattis for our dinner.

Tomorrow is going to be packing/cleaning/wrapping up the program
We head to our Nairobi site on Wednesday afternoon and then Thursday morning we are dropped off at the airport, and I start my 10 days of traveling (and tomorrow night will be the last time I will be online until I’m back in the states, and I will update it for the last time on my week of travels around the 22nd)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Its almost over!

Day 89 (12/1)
First of all, Happy Birthday Ethan (the big 1-5!)
Today was another write up day, I spent the morning finishing off the draft of my paper. It feels awesome to be done and have a solid draft to work on. But now I have to go back and revise the drafts after Tome (the professor who is my DR advisor) corrects it.

Day 91 (12/3)
The last two days have been write up days, but tomorrow is the last day for write up and the drafts are due at 6 pm. Then as a group we get to compile a presentation that we share with the community on the 7th

In a week, the program will be over and I will be headed to the coast for 10 days to swim and snorkel in the Indian Ocean, visit coastal forest reserves

Day 93 (12/5)
So the 40 page (single spaced) paper is done! The program is just wrapping up, and we are about to present to the community on Monday.